Baby Girl You Are So Pretty Lyrics
Baby est une déese, ok
Sculptée par la mer
Je te jure je suis obsessed ok
Un éclat si clair
Si tu veux tu me rejoins backstage
J′admire ta silhouette
submergée dans les lumières
Tell me that you feel like I do
Tell me you feel this thrill
Concept of true beauty is you
You look like honey and milk
I sink into, all that you do
You’re paper and I′m ink
Babygirl you are so pretty pretty pretty pretty
Babygirl you are so pretty pretty pretty pretty
Venus made you just to trick me trick me trick me trick me
Cause babygirl you are so
Venus made you just to trick me
The only reason that I came through tonight
Is cause i know u were invited
Only reason that this dress is skintight
Is cause i thought that you would like it
I′m only going to smoke this cigarette outside
Because I want you to light it
The only reason I came through tonight
Is because i really like you
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And I can no longer hide it
I want to unravel your mind and
The laces that close up your tight dress, white dress
Tell me that you feel like I do
Cherrykisses super smooth
Tell me all that baby
Tell me you like me too
Babygirl you are so pretty pretty pretty pretty
Babygirl you are so pretty pretty pretty pretty
Venus made you just to trick me trick me trick me trick me
Cause babygirl you are so
Venus made you just to trick me
Pretty Song Credits
iLyricsKing FAQs
Who Wrote The Lyrics Of The “Baby Girl You Are So Pretty” Song?
MEYY Written The Lyrics Of “Baby Girl You Are So Pretty”.
Who Is The Singer Of “Baby Girl You Are So Pretty” Song?
MEYY Have Sung The Song “Baby Girl You Are So Pretty”.
Who Has Featured In The Music Video?
The Music Video Of “Baby Girl You Are So Pretty” Featurs MEYY”.